Quick Knowledge campaign

Once in a while, you’re given an opportunity at something that truly

Quick Knowledge campaign & contestQuick Knowledge campaign & contest

All about the campaign


To organise a campaign that would raise awareness about the web portal between space professionals and space enthusiasts in different European countries. 

WIT Berry was responsible for

  • During the HATCH project WIT Berry organised the Quick Knowledge contest. Its goal was to engage with space professionals and enthusiasts in Europe and encourage them to create content for the HATCH web portal about their favourite space topic.
  • People from various EU countries participated in the contest: Greece, the Netherlands, the UK, Latvia, Belgium and others.
  • WIT Berry was responsible for all the activities related to this contest, including social media communication, press releases and communication with the sponsors, www.skyhunters.eu, who presented a telescope to the winner of the contest.

More information on media


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Contact us to discuss a potential collaboration opportunities. Write and email linda@witberry.lv!

Want to know what else have we done? All Case studies!

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